If you were in the NorthEast today and happened to look out your window some might have found you could not for a layer of white was covering it, or if you could you found that everything was covered in a thick blanket of white snow. Today Philadelphia got hit by a Noreastern that dumped possibly over 20 inches of snow. It is hard to tell the official amount since there was a strong wind causing great drifting. This is the second major snow storm that Philly has experienced in about two months. The first one was a total waste for me since I was stuck in bed the whole time having just gotten my wisdom teeth out.
The whole city was shut down from the snow storm. SEPTA was totally down by the end of the day, and no buses at all. Plows could barely keep up with the falling snow. Because of all this there were not many people out and about, which is truly a shame! Dad and I went for a run along Kelly Drive and it was amazing! The trees were just magnificent with the snow laying on them. I'm so glad that dad got me to go out for the run.
Ellie also enjoyed the snow today. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it. I think she is used to the fact that snow is cold now, but normally she is still able to walk in it. We got so much snow this time it was above her head in most places of the backyard. She looked quite confused by it all, but enjoying it none the less.
Hopefully another snowy run will happen tomorrow!
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