Monday, July 2, 2012

WUOC - Training

Now arrived in Alicante for the World University Orienteering Championships! The last two days the team has spent training and trying to stay cool (VERY HOT OUT!)

The first day we were lucky enough that the swiss had sorted transportation to a local event. The event was on the lower part of the middle map and so excellent training! It was over 6km long though so I decided to cut it shorter and just take it slow and get into the mapping style. Even doing that though I managed to run off the map into a parallel reentrant. OPS! The ground is also very rocky underfoot, so debating what shoes to wear. I ended up skipping 6 to 9 and then 10 to 15. Was getting hot and I had been out for a while anyway.

Map of the Local event.

Today we got up early and went to the model event. Again it was Middle/relay relevant, however I'm not fully sure it was. The controls were a bit easy after you sorted out the vegetation and the map seemed a lot more simplified than the one of the Middle/relay. However it was nice to get out and tested some routes so i know not to go straight now when there is a trail even if you have to drop down to the trail and then back up to the control. Also still VERY rocky underfoot! so slow going in some places. The rock features were distinct which is nice as i was a bit worried it was just going to be contours and green.

Model Map

On the social side of things :)

It was the Euro Cup final last night. Spain vs. Italy. Some of the team went into Alicante to watch it but I was tired and didn't want to get back late so stayed and watched it in canteen. However that meant we had both the Spanish and Italian team there watching. Not quite as much banter as we would have liked though. Still you could hear the fireworks after Spain had won from the hotel.

View from Hotel Window
Then after the model event today we all went 100m to the beach to go swimming :) The water was nice and blue and just the right temperature for an after run swim. It was very salty water though!

Tonight is the Opening Ceremony and then the Competition starts tomorrow with the Long Distance.

Please don't forget my Chip-In on the right hand side of this blog. Any help would be greatly appreciated and I hope to keep posting here through out the week so that everyone hears how am doing.

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