Saturday, July 3, 2010

Aspiring Champions Has Come To A Close

Well I had my last day at Aspiring Champions yesturday. It ended with a post testing to see how much I have improved since the begining of february. I have improved in everything greatly, especially my sprint endurance. I can now run a 40yd sprint in 5.5 seconds and a 300yd sprint in 58 seconds (vs my 70 when I started).
I have gained a lot more than just speed from this training though. I have realised that I have a lot more potential of being an amazing athlete than I thought I had. I also realised that few athletes that I have been exposed to that are my age train as hard as I do. However that does not mean they are not out there and i must keep training hard and building up my base training.
I want to thank Antonio for all he has done for me. Although we got off to a rocky start he turned out to be a great coach. And I'm probably in the best shape I've ever been in.
Thank you also to my mom for all the driving she had to do each week to get us to training. You are such an amazing mom and so supportive of everything that I do. Thank you so much!!!!

So now on to JWOC and WUOC to see if all this training has paid off!!

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