Saturday, June 27, 2009

How To Comment

So after having a few people seem to have a hard time figuring out how to comment I've decided to post an entry on how it all works. A step-by-step guide if you will.
  1. Click on the image of the stickies that says "Comments" under it.
  2. A screen with the post and whatever comments that have already been posted should come up
  3. Type your comment into the text box
  4. When done select your pick from the drop down menu titled "Comment as:"
    1. If you do not have any of the first options or only want to put your name select "Name/URL"
    2. Then type your name into the box that pops up (you don't have to put a URL)
  5. Hit "Post Comment" and Magic our comment is posted!
If there are still problems please let me know some how! Can't wait to read everyones thoughts!



  1. Hi Alison have a safe flight and remember you are the olympian!

  2. I'll let everyone at TPS know about this wonderful accomplishment. Can we write an article about you?

  3. Alison, Good luck, run clean and savor the experience. See you next weekend in Italy. I'm looking forward to hearing what technique is required for the terrain.

  4. Good Luck Alison and have a great summer overseas. I'm really looking forward to reading your blog every day and reading about what all you are doing, so make sure you keep it up!
    GO USA!

  5. Hi Alison, i am missing you. wondering how your flight went. Hope you are doing well and enjoying the journey. take loads of photos. bet the landscape is beautiful. Ellie says hi, Gramma says Hi. xoxoxoxomom
